Northport Awarded PBIS Model School Status of GOLD!

It is with much pleasure that we inform our community that Northport has been awarded the PBIS Model School status of GOLD. After difficult and complex work for several years, our school has achieved the highest status awarded to a school. We have worked tirelessly to address the Multi-Tiered System of Support and to fully embrace Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports framework.

What this all means is that everything we do at Northport is about the success of the students. It’s about getting ALL of our kids ready for the real world. Everything is centered around our school wide expectations. These expectations are our broad, guiding principles. They are Safety First, Act Responsibly, I Show Respect and Listen Well.

Each school year, we begin with an Action Plan about what we need to do and where our students need to be, both behaviorally and academically. The process is ongoing and fluid and the plans of implementation are part of a living document that changes with the needs of our students. We have taken indicators such as the referral rates of black males and used data and then implemented targeted interventions and progress monitoring to really help our students.

We have demonstrated three tiers of effective interventions with the Northport S.A.I.L Note, one of our reward systems, as just one part of the implementation of PBIS or Positive Behavior Intervention Support. This award goes to our entire community because everyone plays a major role in our school success. We are just so thrilled that our tiered system of support has been selected as the “GOLD STANDARD” for our SLPS because our entire culture is based on Northport school wide expectations. Job Well done!

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist