The Thanksgiving Feast is an annual event sponsored by Fort Pierce Central High School JROTC battalion and the Fort Pierce Central Culinary Program students that allows the students to meet and have a meal with the residents of the Lake Forest Park senior living home. This year, the Cobra Battalion cadets also partnered with the Fort Pierce Central High School Student Government Association and Fort Pierce Central High School Chorus students to provide the seniors with an even greater event than last year. Before starting the feast, Dr. Bugaki, a Lake Forest Park resident and World War II Navy veteran, … Read More
Fort Pierce Central High School conducted a week of training to increase awareness about the dangers of texting and driving. All drivers entering the FPC campus last week were asked to sign a pledge to NOT TEXT AND DRIVE and were given a thumb-ring inscribed with TXTL8R to remind them through the day. This campaign will culminate with Teen Awareness Week as part of FPC Homecoming 2015.
On Wednesday, September 20, 2015, the Fort Pierce Central High JROTC Cobra Battalion continued their commitment to a cleaner environment. More than 70 students headed out with pokers and garbage bags to clean up on South 25th Street. The Cobra Battalion has participated in the “Adopt-A-Road” program for many years cleaning up the section of South 25th Street between Midway Road north to Bell Avenue. After picking-up numerous bags of garbage and making the road cleaner, the Cobra Battalion headed back to the school to enjoy an afternoon bar-b-que and fellowship.
Fort Pierce Central’s Cobra Battalion Raider team took home first place for both the Mixed Team Obstacle Course and Mixed Team overall during Fort Pierce Westwood’s Raider Competition. “The cadets showed some outstanding teamwork and intestinal fortitude,” said the team’s coach, retired Lieutenant Colonel Matt Saxton. The Cobras fielded two 10-cadet mixed teams (boys and girls) for the Westwood competition. “The mix of boys and girls is really good for everyone,” said Cadet Staff Sergeant Cassady Green. She added, “It helps build a lot of trust and camaraderie across the Raider Team.” The Cobras plan to compete at the South … Read More
As dawn broke on the morning of Saturday, September 19, 2015, the Fort Pierce Central High JROTC Cobra Battalion held their annual beach cleanup at Pepper Park on North A1A in Fort Pierce. The Fort Pierce Central High JROTC Cobra Battalion is dedicated to helping maintain a clean environment and this event was just one in a series of Cobra Battalion events scheduled for this year that will help achieve that goal. The Cobra Battalion walked the beach for about an hour and collected 15 bags of garbage. After cleaning the beach, the cadets ran the obstacle course at the … Read More
The annual Fort Pierce Central High School 9/11 Ceremony represents an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and area first-responders to come together to honor the victims and survivors of the tragic events that took place on September 11th, 2001. For the ceremony, the Cobra Battalion JROTC flag detail carries the U.S. and Florida State colors to the school flag pole and, to the tune of reveille, raises them to the top of the flag pole (full staff) . Once the colors reach the top, the trumpet player sounds taps and the flag detail lowers the colors to half staff. After … Read More