Lawnwood Leopards Are on the Move

Coach Paul’s fifth-grade PE students enjoyed a game of Monster Ball. The students used small balls to move the big ball to the opposing team’s side. Students enjoyed the game as they used overhand and underhand throws to score points. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Elementary Students are Developing Their Critical Thinking Skills

Mrs. Ferrara-Slater’s students participated in an engaging, hands-on learning experience as they explored the parts of a flower and the process of pollination and fertilization. This activity not only taught them about the anatomy of a flower, but also demonstrated the important role that animals, like bees and other pollinators, play in the reproduction of plants and flowers. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Leopards are Learning About the Sunshine State

Fourth graders from Mrs. Gleason’s class worked collaboratively as they located and labeled the physical features of Florida. They identified cities, attractions, and bodies of water. They also interpreted political and physical map elements by using a map key and compass rose. GO LEOPARDS!

PBiS Assemblies Were Held at Lawnwood Elementary

PBiS Assemblies were held at Lawnwood Elementary during the first week of school. Mr. Chambers, Teacher on Special Assignment, led the K-5 assemblies. Students were taught the PAWS schoolwide expectations. P– Pride A– Accountability W – We are Respectful S – Stay Safe Lawnwood Leopards are EPIC!  

Lawnwood Leopards are Leading the Way

During preschool week, faculty and staff members participated in professional learning, team building activities, and discussed achievement goals. It was another EPIC week at Lawnwood! GO LEOPARDS!

Hooray for Lawnwood Leopards

All kindergarten families were invited to our Kindergarten Orientation hosted by the teachers. Parents were provided information about grade level benchmarks, LWN reading logs, homework procedures, reading tools, and strategies for a solid reading foundation. This was another EPIC parent night at Lawnwood Elementary.

Lawnwood Leopards Use Their Mathematical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

Lawnwood Leopards use their mathematical thinking and reasoning skills as they collaborate during math instruction. Mrs. Ferrara-Slater’s fourth grade Math AMP Students (Accelerated Math Program) justify their results by explaining their method for solving math problems. Students are also encouraged to analyze the mathematical thinking of others. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Leopards Love MATH

Ms. Henski’s kindergarten students are using manipulatives to represent addition and subtraction. They are also learning how to use their fingers and drawings to share their mathematical thinking.

Lawnwood Leopards Love Daily Read-Aloud Time

Ms. Owen’s third-grade students are enjoying Mr. Popper’s Penguins. The read-aloud provides the opportunity for students to read grade-level text with purpose and understanding.  It also enhances their accuracy and fluency skills. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Leopards Enjoy Guest Reader Day

Community Members were invited to participate in our Annual Suessical Week. Special guest readers read their favorite Dr. Suess book to grades K-5. It was another wonderful day at Lawnwood Elementary. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Parents Attended a Family Night

Parents received support as they learned how to use Skyward to access their child’s attendance information, grades, progress monitoring, reading and math scores, and so much more. A special thank you goes out to our School Counselors, Ms. Demontegnac and Mrs. Oge for coordinating and hosting our Skyward Family Night. GO LEOPARDS!

Lawnwood Leopards Love to READ!

Mrs. Santo’s third-grade students enjoyed the book Chocolate Fever written by Robert Kimmel Smith. Her students enjoyed the daily read-aloud, which allows students to enhance their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and listening skills. GO LAWNWOOD!