Mr. Luke Hall was the recipient of a STAR Award at the September Board Meeting based upon the recommendation of one of his students’ parents who lauded his efforts to support her son as well as the other members of the positive band program. Mr. Hall’s high expectations for success with built-in factors for a safe and respectful environment were key attributes highlighted for this exceptional educator’s recognition.
Month: September 2016
Mrs. Cary Schott enthusiastically shares her love of the arts and her artistic talents with others. When asked if she and her students could provide art for District Office visitors and staff to appreciate, she readily provided three beautiful pieces to adorn the walls in the Community Room for all to enjoy. Thank you for helping to keep the arts alive in St. Lucie!
STAR Recognition for Exceptional Service and Support to St. Lucie Elementary Principal Latricia Woulard commended members of the Retired School Volunteer Program for their mentor support at St. Lucie Elementary. The dedicated team of individuals provided help and support to new teachers and retention efforts, beautification and establishment of a butterfly garden on campus, and fund raising efforts for supplies. Special recognition and thanks were given to the following at the September 13th Board Meeting: Barbara Kaste, Stephanie Sakowski, Arlene Hazelton, Ruthann Reuther, Marguerite Saady, Chuck Brothers, Vanessa Tillman, and Christine Rodic.
Superintendent E. Wayne Gent provided an educational update during the Economic Development Council’s Investors’ Lunch Meeting. With a focus on the School District’s escalating graduation rates as well as career and technical opportunities, he stressed how the need is greater than ever for the next generation to be prepared to deal with the demands of a complex world and economic realities.
On September 9, 2016, Palm Pointe 6th graders paid tribute to 9/11 by participating in a special presentation about multiple perspectives in history. Students heard the oral histories of guest speakers, Mr. Dennis Keane (retired NYC firefighter), Firefighter Ray Reiprecht (SLC Fire Department), and Ms. Diane Berger (former NYC air traffic controller), who were involved that day. The presenters expressed themes of unity and resilience, discussing how the country came together in the aftermath of the tragedy. Pictured from left: Mr. Dennis Keane, Mr. Ray Reiprecht, and Ms. Diane Berger.
St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) invites fathers and male caregivers to come back to school! On September 28, a movement across the state of Florida will be put into motion whereby fathers and male caregivers are encouraged to bring their child to school, sign a pledge of involvement, and demonstrate the value of being involved in their child’s education — Dads Take Your Child to School Day. Dr. Kevin Perry leads the effort for SLPS. He explained, “The movement in SLPS began two years ago and grew out of recognition of the power of male involvement in the education … Read More
Each year, Northport K-8 School honors the heroes and victims of the 9/11 tragedy and begins the educational process of teaching our students about September 11th in the school media center. The media center has been dedicated to the eight children who perished on September 11th. This year has been especially powerful. In partnership with SLPS Board Member Dr. Donna Mills, Northport sixth graders had the opportunity to listen to Mr. Tony Ross, brother of Cee Cee Ross Lyles. Cee Cee, a flight attendant on United Airlines Flight 93, was from Fort Pierce. She was the beloved niece of Dr. … Read More
Pete the Cat! Oh my! Mariposa Elementary students kicked off their school year at Barnes and Noble with Pete the Cat. Pete stayed to listen to Mr. Logue read his very own books, Pete the Cat’s Got Class and Duncan the Story Dragon — a 2016-17 Sunshine State Young Reader Award Junior nominated book. Pete loved both stories and helped the students decorate their cookies, build Lego buildings, and shop for books. Gianna Reuther enjoyed decorating her cookies at the Barnes and Noble event. Congratulations to Olivia Baptiste for winning the chance opportunity gift cards! She should have a lot … Read More
Village Green Environmental Studies School held a luncheon in honor of Grandparents Day on Friday, September 9th. Great grandparents, grandmothers, and grandfathers were treated to a special lunch, poem, gift, and a student-created video to honor this very special occasion. We love our grandparents!
Lawnwood Elementary School faculty and staff participated in the annual College Colors Day to promote the expectations for all of our students to graduate high school and go to college. Go, college bound Leopards!
Commissioner Kim Johnson welcomed 21st Century Program Managers Terrence Platt and Kimberly Roberts to his talk show — Coffee With The Chair. They discussed Lights on After School, an upcoming afterschool expo designed to spotlight activities available to children in St. Lucie County. Commissioner Johnson celebrated the effort to bring attention to the rich variety of programs available to children before school, after school, and during summer months. To learn more about opportunities local youth have to explore interests and discover talents, mark your calendar for October 17th (4:00 to 7:30) and stay tuned for more details.
Student artists from St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) channel their talents in a tribute to the heroes of 9/11. Through a collaborative art project between SLPS and the City of Port St. Lucie, students are helping to beautify the city by painting murals that will be transferred to wraps for traffic utility cabinets throughout the city. A special 9/11 tribute cabinet created by art students at Lincoln Park Academy will be unveiled at the upcoming remembrance ceremony for 9/11 victims and first responders. The ceremony, which begins at 8:30 AM, will take place at the Port St. Lucie Civic Center, … Read More
Student artists from St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) channel their talents in a tribute to the heroes of 9/11. Through a collaborative art project between SLPS and the City of Port St. Lucie, students are helping to beautify the city by painting murals that will be transferred to wraps for traffic utility cabinets throughout the city. A special 9/11 tribute cabinet created by art students at Lincoln Park Academy will be unveiled at the upcoming remembrance ceremony for 9/11 victims and first responders. The ceremony, which begins at 8:30 AM, will take place at the Port St. Lucie Civic Center, … Read More
For the latest news regarding Zika resources and updates, visit the website for the Florida Department of Health in St. Lucie County.
Mr. DeVoshay Johnson, the IT Manager for Fort Pierce City Hall, helped to kick off the 2016-2017 Speakers Bureau series with his presentation to students and staff at Dale Cassens Educational Complex. Through sharing his life story, he emphasized to students the need to understand that true success comes from within. Mr. DeVoshay also stressed that the choices students make will determine their success in life, and he shared the value in accepting help from others.
LPA Freshman are Committed to Graduate “C2G” Lincoln Park Academy Freshman had their first freshman meeting. During the meeting, several things were discussed by their class sponsor, Ms. Erickson. Mr. Sanabria, school principal, spoke to the students and shook the hand of every freshman to ensure their commitment to graduate during 2020. The freshman received a bracelet as a symbol of their commitment!
Dan McCarty Middle School students and staff welcomed Attorney Lorenzo Williams of Gary, Williams, Parenti and Finney Law Firm as a guest speaker in the 2016-2017 Speakers Bureau series. Mr. Williams emphasized lessons taught to him by his father and lessons that he, in turn, imparted to his four children. He introduced the acronym “HOW” and went on to explain the meaning of each letter. “H” stands for honesty, “O” represents obedience, and “W” signifies work. He encouraged students to practice all three for success.
On August 31st, Fort Pierce Westwood High School hosted St. Lucie Pubic Schools’ Teacher of Year Mr. Jeffrey Johnson as the guest speaker for the Speakers Bureau Series. Mr. Johnson spoke about the power of education and its importance. He recounted his experiences of growing up poor and shared that he lived in the projects. This distinguished and eloquent speaker also communicated with his audience the fact that he was told he would not amount to anything and that life was not easy for him. However, he emphasized that because of his determination and perseverance to get a good education, … Read More
The school’s first preseason football game of the year was held on August 21, 2016 at Port Saint Lucie High School. The Color Guard provided support before the game. The Color Guard cadets were: Allison Wilhoit, Hayley Pollard and Morgan Emerson, commanded by Tesa May. During the game, the Honor Guard cadets provided help with parking. The Port Saint Lucie Jaguar football team played against Olympic Heights High School from Boca Raton. The Port Saint Lucie Football team won with a score of 41-0.
The Port Saint Lucie High School JROTC Jaguar Battalion had its first car wash of the year at the Auto Zone on US1, on August 27, 2016. The car washes help the Battalion raise money for field trips, competitions, and numerous other things. We had lots of people show up and support us. The cadets were out volunteering for 6 hours, and received community service hours. The cadets raised almost $300.