White City Elementary is Implementing Grace Packs

White City Elementary is a school which has 100% of its students receiving both free breakfast and free lunch based on the poverty level of our families. But often, when they go home, there is little or no food to eat. These families have been impacted by loss of jobs, illness or choosing to pay a utility bill over a food bill because of necessity. We are trying to help our students by instituting Grace Packs, a program whose goal is to provide breakfast, lunch, and dinner food items at the end of each school week to students whose families may be food insecure. But we desperately need your help in donating food items to our food pantry or making a monetary donation that will be able to let us buy these items. Currently we have 40 children receiving a grace pack each week but there are over 45 students on our waiting list! We need your help to enable us to add these students to our program and to sustain the grace packs until the end of the school year. Items we need include:
gracecanned meats and pasta
cereal bars
canned vegetables
mac and cheese
tuna fish
juice boxes
peanut butter jelly
canned chili