Southport Middle School’s Family Literacy Night Was a Huge Success

Parents, students, and families who attended Southport’s annual Family Literacy Night enjoyed a great night of music, games, food, and fun. Literacy teachers planned activities like Reading Rocks, Beat the Clock, and Musical Literacy while others served pizza and popcorn — all to provide families the opportunity to get involved in a universal mission: encourage kids to read.

School Resource Deputy Greene from the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Department was there to provide bicycle safety information and fit students with brand new helmets. The Sheriff’s Department also donated two bicycles that were given to two lucky students who attended the event. There was an amazing selection of books, including the 2016—2017 Sunshine State Young Readers, available to purchase from the Scholastic Book Fair.



Author: Angela Mas

Teachers - (Changed 3/18/2024 9:02:51 PM)