The Port St. Lucie High School JROTC Raider Team finished the season strong by “surviving” the recent annual Raider campout. The Jaguar Battalion Raider team spent a hardy night out at Camp Ah-Ba-Lu-Fa in Fort Pierce. Throughout the over night campout, the Raiders exhibited their mastery of survival sills. On the first day, the primary concentration was on shelters and fire building. With the use of their Army survival books, the Raiders learned about the different types of fires and the easiest ways to build them. The team built fires by using many different techniques available. The team also constructed shelters from the natural vegetation and basic survival packs and slept overnight in the shelters they created. The second day the Raiders learned how to correctly pack for venturing into the outdoors and how to dress in survival layers. Afterwards, the Raiders displayed the shelters, fires, and traps they built the previous night. The cadets then showed their shelters, traps, and fires to the rest of the team. This final event concluded the survival campout. The team enjoyed the campout and learned many useful survival skills. They have all passed their final test as Raiders and are now proud to be known as such. Becoming a Raider is not easy but the Jaguar Battalion Raider team worked hard to grasp this accomplishment and showed how committed they are to the team. The Jaguar Raiders proved that in any situation they lead the way.