Northport Supports Autism Speaks Walk in Tradition

Northport participated in a wonderful community event recently to support Autism Awareness. Autism Speaks Walk was held in Tradition on a beautiful Saturday morning. Northport’s team called the Puzzlers had a wonderful turnout and several of our families took part in the event. Northport has particpated for two years and the teachers and families have stated that this will definitely become an annual event with an even bigger turnout and even more support. Many thanks to the teachers and administrators that attended and especially to our families, the House family, Keldani family, Caicedo family, McKinney family, Woolridge family and Tejada family. Special thanks to co-captains for the event: ESE instructors Rose Rumer and Lisa Reynolds.

Autism Awareness is more important now than ever before. One percent of the world’s population is diagnosed with some form of Autism or 1 in 68 live births and 3.5 million Americans fall someplace on the Autism Spectrum. Autism is a serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact. Symptoms vary widely such as difficulty with communication, difficulty with social interactions, obsessive interests and repetitive behaviors. Autism can’t be cured, but with therapy and specialized instruction, treatments can help.

At Northport K-8 School, we offer a full complement of staff with various instructional abilities to work with Autistic children who place on the Autistic Spectrum.

Spectacular job to all involved!

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist