Northport Rising Stars Offer First Rate Presentation!

What a first rate presentation by Lorena Wilson’s third grade Rising Stars! Students researched a famous Black American using several sources. They also made program guides and actual models of each famous American. Students then presented their oral information using note cards to visiting classes, parents, administration and other special guests. Students became teachers for the afternoon and really demonstrated authentic and intriguing information. Guest students wrote down information pertaining to each speaker station that they found enjoyable. The afternoon in the media center was energetic and vibrant as special learning took place. The learning stations provided students with the wonderful opportunity to present knowledge and to give the students a praiseworthy effort to work among themselves to provide unusual information. We all loved it! Great job, Mrs. Wilson and NP third grade Rising Stars. Thanks to the many parents who came out to support the student work!

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist