Northport Represents with Style and Flair at District Science Fair!

Our young scientists exemplified what Northport K-8 strives to achieve: education , practice of the basic traits of moral and ethical behavior, development of intellectual curiosity, logical thinking using problem solving and reasoning skills, and pride in achievement! At the 28th Annual Awards Ceremony of the Saint Lucie County Regional Science and Engineering Stem Competition, category award recipients included Taygen Pennella (first place in math and computational sciences), Rosette Garcia (second place in biomedical and health science), Addison Searcy (third place in animal science), and Alicia Morrow (third place in cellular/molecular biology and biochemisry). Taygen Pennella also received the prestigious Broadcom Masters Award.

All of the Northport K-8 delegates at the competition wrote thank you notes to the judges/committees after the judging process was completed. Rosette Garcia’s eloquent letter was read during the opening ceremony! We are proud to say that Northport contributed eighteen delegates to the District Fair.

Our students continue to achieve in high school. Alexis Beans was awarded a first place in the senior division of physics and astronomy; she also was selected to be a delegate at the State of Florida Science and Engineering Fair. Arabella Tenneson earned a third place in the senior division of physics and astronomy. Darley Dorvilier received the Florida Association of Science Teacher Award for her research.

Kudos to Dr. Laura Woodworth for her very committed work as Northport Science Fair Coordinator. Job well done to all!

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist