Northport principal accepts ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

Northport K-8 School principal, Glenn Rustay accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge recently to not only donate much needed funds to help find a cure for ALS, but to also help educate his students on the horrible disease. Mr. Rustay accepted the challenge from Northport music instructor, Brian Hoce.

Students were thrilled to watch as Principal Rustay first used a tiny bucket filled with ice then, at the behest of his students, dumped the big bucket over his head! Although all in fun, the seriousness of the cause filled the overwhelming picture at Northport K-8 School recently. Students learned that thirty thousand patients each year are diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gerhig’s disease, after the famous baseball player who succumbed from the disease.

To date, $53 million dollars has been raised to help fund global research in finding a treatment and cure for ALS. The funds also help to support the patient and family who are suffering from the effects of the terrible disease. That is more than quadruple the funds raised in the entire year last year. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has proven to be a much needed boost in the pocketbook to help raise not only funds but awareness of the urgency to find a cure for this debilitating disease. Way to go Mr. Rustay!

If you would like to learn more, would like to donate or would like to participate in your own ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, visit

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist