Northport Media Center Promotes Stellar Florida Reading Lists!

Northport VPK-8 School Media Center is promoting stellar Florida Book Lists this year. The Sunshine State Reader Program is co-sponsored by the Office of Library Media and the Florida Association for Media in Education or FAME. “Started in 1984, this reading motivation program for students in grades 3-8 is designed to entice students to read high interest, contemporary literature for personal enjoyment. The long term goal of the program is to nurture lifelong readers who will continue to read for information needs and personal pleasure.”

Northport students will have the opportunity to do book talks, promote the books on the morning announcements, participate in poster contests and a variety of other enticements for reading list promotions. The books are separated into grades level 3-5 and grade level 6-8. All Sunshine State Reader books are available in the Northport Main Media Center.

The complete lists of books are available at Promoting excellent reading skills and literacy are top priorities at Northport and the addition of the Sunshine State Reader lists add to our basket of reading development tools.

Pictured promoting the Sunshine State books and the Northport Media Center are Kyle Naujoks, Johnnie Hutton, Cole Rigsby, Terrence Snee, Demontavious Smith, Adena Sands and Dakota Davis from the 8th grade Dolphins team.

Author: LYNNE Gruszka

Northport K-8 School Media and Marketing Specialist