LPA Wins at Fair

Lincoln Park Academy’s 3-dimmensional art classes worked collaboratively to create a red, white, and blue Floridian inspired booth. The students each formed an individual red, white, or blue flower to contribute to a large hanging garden mural. The main focal point of the booth was a large eagle relief that read, “Art can change people and people change the world.”

Ms. Duran’s advanced classes produced large “Big Head” sculptures inspired by influential Floridians and characters such as Tim Tebow, Walt Disney, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck. In order to recreate Florida’s famous beaches, sand and sandcastles were lined along the floor space. Lincoln Park Academy’s booth received 1,037 votes of the total 7,136 votes cast to become this year’s $1,000.00 People’s Choice Award recipient. This award was in conjunction with the Out-of-the-Box Award which provided Lincoln Park Academy with a total of $1,250.00 from their 2017 St. Lucie County Fair School Display.

Lincoln Park Academy would like to thank the Fort Pierce Sunrise Kiwanis Club, the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections, and our wonderful surrounding community who supported our fair booth. Ms. Duran and her 3D classes plan to use a portion of the reward to fund a community service project in the future.


Author: Candace Stone

Staff - (Changed 4/19/2024 6:33:19 PM)