Take Your Parent to School for Kids at Hope Day at Chester A. Moore Elementary

CA Moore had a Take Your Parent to School Day on November 12th for parents to go to their child’s classroom for 30 minutes and observe the teacher conferencing with students.  The teachers also gave strategies for parents to assist their children at home with reading.  We hope to continue these events, rotating math and reading.  We embrace the Kids at Hope philosophy along with the Treasure Hunter’s Pledge and student pledge that is recited daily on our morning show.  We utilize the caring adult as well, as it is critical that our students know that they have a caring … Read More

Allapattah Flats Honors Aces and Veterans for Kids at Hope Day

The Allapattah Flats family celebrated National Kids at Hope Day in conjunction with Veterans Day on Wednesday, November 12th. To honor all of our service personnel for our city, county, state, and country, Allapattah Flats proudly conducted a Tunnel of Honor. The entire school of over 1000 students and staff lined the school walkway, waving American flags and cheering for veterans, first responders, police, deputies, firefighters and Coast Guardsmen as they walked through the tunnel. These guests of honor were treated to a musical performance by the middle school band & chorus as well as our elementary chorus. Songs included … Read More

Forest Grove Students Appreciate Aces for Kids at Hope Day

We at Forest Grove Middle School have implemented a stupendous initiative to foster a strong bond between the students and their Ace. Each month the students will vote on the Ace that inspires them to succeed academically and flourish positively socially. The students have been informed that the Ace with the most votes will attend a very special lunch with the administrative team at Forest Grove. The students have been participating in droves. This incentive reminds teachers that they are valued by their students and it gives the students a sense of responsibility in choosing and honoring the staff and … Read More

Aces Shine for Kids at Hope Day at Bayshore Elementary

Bayshore Elementary had a night where the Aces shined. Parents and students were invited to school to play games against the teacher, and possibly win prizes if they were able to beat the teacher. Teachers and parents were recognized for being Aces to students, and every student was able to win a prize in the end. Parents also received information about PBIS, and Kids at Hope all while having fun at the same time.

All Children are Capable of Success at Dale Cassens!

Dale Cassens Educational Complex celebrated National Kids at Hope Day by creating a tunnel of hope made of various community members from Ft. Pierce and Port St. Lucie. These special caring adults cheered students on and held signs reading “You can Succeed,” as they as they arrived to school on November 25th. The students then participated in a Fall Festival which included “Minute to Win It” events and a giant blow-up obstacle course. Every child was able to acquire tickets throughout the day for drawings of prizes at the conclusion of the event.

An Evening of Connecting at Village Green Environmental Studies School

To celebrate National Kids at Hope Day on Wednesday, November 12th, Village Green Environmental Studies School invited parents and students for a night of connecting. The event kicked off with our SAC meeting at 3:40.  We encouraged more parents to join our SAC so they can become even more involved with our school. Following the SAC meeting, dinner was provided for families with staff members serving pizza, salad, cookies and drinks.  Families also had the opportunity to shop at the Scholastic Book Fair that was held in our Media Center. After dinner, different break-out sessions were provided for parents, including one … Read More

Windmill Point Celebrates Aces for Kids at Hope Day

During the week of December 1st-5th, Windmill Point celebrated “ACES in our Lives”! ACES were honored by inviting these special people to have lunch with a student. As part of the Kids at Hope philosophy, Windmill Point believes that all children are successful when they have meaningful and sustainable relationships with adults. A letter went home with students describing the four ACES that are typically found in children’s lives, as well as a schedule for each grade level. Lunch was brought in or purchased through the school cafeteria.

Be the One: Kids at Hope Day at Oak Hammock

To celebrate Kids at Hope Day 2014, Oak Hammock K-8 School implemented an anti-bullying campaign from November through January that empowers all Treasure Hunters and students to find the treasures in all members of the school community. Our personal rendition of the 2014 Kids at Hope theme: “Everyone a Treasure Hunter: Be the ONE to Stand up to Bullying!” This campaign kicked off with a “Hats Off to You” fundraiser, where students and staff paid $1 to wear a hat on campus. Students were asked to identify their own talents, skills, and intelligence, as well as the treasures in their … Read More

Samuel S. Gaines Academy Celebrates Kids at Hope Day

Samuel S. Gaines Academy celebrated National Kids at Hope Day during the week of November 10th – 14th.  Staff and students proudly showed their Kids at Hope spirit by wearing Kids at Hope shirts or any blue and yellow shirts during the week. Each day, students discussed their Aces on the morning announcements. Students held up a poster-sized Ace card, described their Ace of Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades, and explained why they are important. A faculty member also gave a special “tip of the day,” focusing on the power of Aces in student’s lives. In addition, positive signs were posted … Read More

Northport Celebrates National Kids at Hope Day

Northport K8 School celebrated National Kids at Hope Day by infusing a Power of Aces mini-lesson into morning (elementary) or 1st period (middle) on November 12th. The suggested activity included a class discussion on students’ Ace of Hearts and Ace of Clubs and why these adults are important, followed by writing thank-you cards to these Aces. Lessons also incorporated this year’s school theme, “Kids in Wonderland.” During drop-off and pick-up, parents received an Ace of Clubs card with an explanation about this special caring adult, as well as a copy of the Treasure Hunter’s Pledge.

Weatherbee Celebrates Kids at Hope Day

Weatherbee Elementary School celebrated National Kids at Hope Day during student led conferences. Each student took a letter and sat with their parent(s) or other caring adult and wrote down why they are a Kid at Hope.  The letters were then posted outside of the individual teacher’s room spelling out “Kids at Hope, No Exceptions!” Teachers came out and took a picture with their classes, which were put together in one large poster to display on campus.

St. Lucie Public Schools Celebrates National Kids at Hope Day

This celebration kicked-off at the school board meeting on November 4th with an official proclamation read by Treasure Hunter and St. Lucie County Teacher of the Year, Heather Bolitho. The theme this year was “We Connect- The Power of Aces.” One of the Kids at Hope leading principles states that children succeed when they have meaningful, sustainable relationships with caring adults. These caring adults are called Aces. Just like in a deck of cards, there is an Ace of Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds. The Ace of Hearts is a child’s parent/guardian. The Ace of Clubs is any other caring … Read More