White City Elementary with 7-Eleven

White City Elementary School received a monetary donation of $711.00 from the 7-Eleven Store located on Midway and US1.  White City appreciates 7-Eleven for being a business partner and supporting the staff and students of WCE.

Vocabulary Parade at White City Elementary

White City Elementary students participated in a vocabulary parade. WCE students enjoyed this visually amusing event.  Students are using their creative skills and learning new words!                  

Black History Month at White City Elementary

White City Students are celebrating Black History Month.  All VPK through Grade 5 classes are learning about the contributions of influential African Americans; see below for some beautiful student work samples.

Kids At Hope

WCE students participated in the Kids at Hope Tunnel.  Students were cheered on by staff and community members as they were reminded that they are capable of success.    

Golden Corral Celebration

WCE students that earned Level 5 on the 2018 FSA ELA and/or Math enjoyed a special lunch at Golden Corral.  Keep up the hard work.  

Dads Take Your Child to School Day

WCE Dads enjoyed breakfast with their students.  WCE Dads signed a pledge to support the staff, students, and the overall school community by staying involved and ensuring that education remains a top priority.

Literacy Event at White City Elementary

Community Leaders read to the students at White City Elementary (WCE).  Students enjoyed listening to the book entitled, Wilford Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox.  It was another awesome literacy event at WCE.

FSA Parent Night at White City Elementary

The students and parents of White City Elementary participated in FSA Parent Night.  Grades 3-5 families worked cooperatively to learn about FSA questions, writing rubric, and how iReady and SLC Unit Assessments are used to monitor students’ progress.  It was an informative parent event.  

Student Led Conferences at White City Elementary

White City Elementary families participated in Student Led Conference Night.  Students shared their learning goals, assessment data, and their action plan with their parents.  Parents received specific information regarding their students’ academic performance.

White City Elementary Students Pay Tribute to Armed Forces

White City students are paying tribute to the members of the Armed Forces.  As a part of their writing instruction, students wrote letters and made cards to send to the members of our Armed Forces. Students took time to express their care, concern, and gratitude for those who serve and protect this great nation.    

Science with Mr. Capozolli at White City Elementary

The Grade 5 students of White City Elementary conducted an investigation and they were able to explain that energy can be transformed into sound energy.  Mr. Capozolli, science resource teacher, provided a hands-on lesson to help students hypothesize, predict, and problem solve.    

White City Elementary Partners with Community

White City Elementary  is partnering with the community.  The residents of the Lake Forest Park Villa Association provided a lobster dinner to support White City Elementary School. A special thank you goes out to the Lake Forest Park Villa Association for supporting White City Elementary.  Proceeds will be used to purchase school supplies for the teachers and students of White City Elementary.

Hispanic Heritage Night at White City Elementary

All families of White City Elementary were invited to attend Hispanic Heritage Night.  Students and parents shopped at the book fair, toured the Hispanic Heritage Gallery, and munched on tacos.  It was a fabulous, well attended parent night at WCE.  

Properties of Matter at White City Elementary

Grade 5 students of White City Elementary are learning about the states of matter.  Mr. Lewis facilitated learning as the students determined if matter can be more than one state at a time.  The students discussed properties of matter, made oobleck and slime, and they recorded their observation.  

BMX at White City Elementary

John Parker, famous BMX rider, visited White City Elementary.  During his presentation, he discussed the spokes of good character, motion, and speed.  It was a fun, energizing, and thrilling presentation.  

Dads, Take Your Child to School Day

The Dads of White City Elementary enjoyed spending time on campus.  Our Dads ate breakfast, watched the morning show and learned about the grade level expectations.  It was a magnificent morning well spent with the Dads of White City Elementary.

Foster Grandparent Program at White City Elementary

White City Elementary students enjoy reading with the volunteers from the Foster Grandparent Program.  These volunteers spend hours on campus supporting student learning. Students look forward to spending time with these special volunteers.