Yard Sale – November 18

Annual Mega Yard Sale-Village Green Elementary

When: Saturday, November 18, 2017

(In the event of a rain day, the event will be rescheduled. Date to TBA)

 Time: 7:00 am to 11:00 am

(Set-up time 6 am to 7 am; clean-up time 11:00 am to 11:30 am.)

Where: Village Green’s Front Parking Lot

Check-in Table will be located near the front office, please check in to confirm your parking spot.

You will be given two parking spots one for your vehicle and one to sell your items. They will be parallel to each other; you will only need to purchase one $ 10.00 spot.

As a Yard Sale participant you are responsible for your items and vehicle at all times. St. Lucie County Schools are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. Participants are responsible for pricing, selling, set up and clean up. The PBIS team will supply advertising, permit and location.

Please note: Due to St. Lucie County School Board rules the following items are not permitted on school grounds – smoking, adult materials, illegal drugs, weapons, explosives and non-domestic animalsYou may be asked to leave and will not receive a refund if contraband items are present on school grounds.

Additional information http://www.stlucie.k12.fl.us/pdf/codeofconduct.pdf


Please copy and return this portion to the Village Green’s PBIS Team.

_____ YES, I would like to reserve a yard sale parking lot space $10.00 is enclosed.

Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________


Office use only

Parking lot number _______________Check # or Cash______________

Author: Lydia Martin

Staff - (Changed 3/18/2024 10:57:15 PM)