West Gate K-8’s Educational Garden is Getting a Facelift

West Gate K-8 faculty and staff are partnering with UF IFAS Family Nutrition Program, PTO, SLPS Child Nutrition Services, and the Department of Health to RE-vitalize the campus garden. Our goal is to provide farm-to-table experiences for all of our students with an emphasis on healthy living.  

We received our first donations and are on our way to a beautiful educational space on our campus. We kick off the project on Saturday, April 22nd, Earth Day. 

Pictured are Michelle Estrella (ELA teacher), Victoria Randolph (Interventionist), Lucille Nembhard (Para), Kim Moore, and Jennie Buntin (UF). Absent are Evan Jones (OT), Jason Barela (Parent and Dept. of Health), and Deborah Wuest (SLPS Child Nutrition Services). The second picture is a BEFORE picture of our project.




Author: Leslie Taylor

Staff - (Changed 6/20/2022 12:25:03 PM)