This week, St. Lucie Public Schools honors our summer graduates with the 2019 Summer Graduation Ceremony. In addition, we also have a brand new Eye on St. Lucie with Lydia Martin. Watch and see what is happening within our schools and our community! Below is the playback schedule for the summer graduations: Friday: 10 AM, 4:30 PM, 9 PM Saturday: 1 PM, 8:30 PM Sunday: 7 AM, 3 PM, 10 PM Monday: 7:30 PM Tuesday: 5 PM Wednesday: 4 PM Thursday: 8 PM, 10:30 PM
We are on Comcast Channel 13 (Fort Pierce), Channel 19 (Port St. Lucie), and Channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse. You can also catch us on YouTube. While you’re there, subscribe to our channel, then head over to Facebook and like/follow our page – WLX-TV.
Weekly Programming Guide
Summer Graduation 2019
Eye on St. Lucie
July 9th School Board Meeting