SLWCH Parli Pro Team (11th grade) placed 2nd at the HOSA District IX Winter Leadership Conference (WLC).
The purpose of the parliamentary procedure was to develop leadership skills in HOSA members by conducting a simulated business meeting. This event was based on team competition; therefore, members learned the importance of cooperation and working together through competitive performance.
This event involved two rounds of competition. Round One consisted of a written test to evaluate the team’s understanding of parliamentary procedure.
The written test measured knowledge and understanding at the recall, application or analysis levels.
Higher-order thinking skills were incorporated as appropriate.
The top scoring teams advanced to Round Two and were given a secret problem with motions to perform during the meeting. The team had twelve (12) minutes preparation time prior to the nine (9) minute demonstration of the meeting.
Catherine Miller, Marissa Powell, Briana Farrell, Elianna Ramos and Yulitza Perez