Schools recognized for Bowl for Kids Sake event at school board meeting

The local schools with teams earning the most for the recent Bowl for Kids Sake event to benefit Big Brothers, Big Sisters were honored at the October 8, 2013, St. Lucie Coounty School Board meeting. Pictured, from left, are Superintendent Genelle Yost, Christy Nuccio and Barbara Bennett of F. K. Sweet Elementary, second place winners; School Board chairman Debbie Hawley; Rivers Edge Elementary principal Cindy Cobb, third place winners; Weatherbee Elementary principal Michael Hitsman, fourth place winners; WestGate K8 principal Robert Cramner, fifth place winners; Rachel Heddings, Chief Operating Officer from Big Brothers, Big Sisters; Assistant Superintendent Dr. Mark Rendell, with the first place trophy for Floresta Elementary; and Joe Wallis, chairman of the board of directors of Big Brothers, Big Sisters.