Port St. Lucie High cadets teach elementary students about flag protocol

The Port St. Lucie High School Jaguar Battalion Color Guard performed a flag folding ceremony at Mariposa Elementary School recently. The Color Guard Team was led by Cadet Major Mason Propst presenting the U.S. flag with Cadet Byron Cruz presenting the state flag. Guarding the colors were Cadet Amanda Mabry and Cadet William Benagh. They presented and posted the colors, followed by a demonstration on the ceremonial folding of the national flag while explaining the meaning of each of the thirteen folds. The Jaguar Battalion concluded the ceremony with a question and answer session by the Color Guard Team for the students of Mariposa Elementary. All in all, the Jaguar Battalion was proud to teach the elementary students about the flag protocol and history of the flag. Pictured, from left, are cadets William Benagh, Mason Propst, and Byron Cruz.