Perfect Score on the FSA at Mariposa Elementary

At Mariposa Elementary, fourth grader Jesse Hindman received a perfect score on his third grade math FSA and received a certificate from the Governor for his hard work!

Ms. Mackenzie Buck was his third grade teacher last school year and had these thoughts about his achievement:

“Jesse was one of my awesome third graders during the 2017-2018 school year. I will never forget his first day—upon walking into my classroom, he immediately wanted to know when we would be starting multiplication. He was excited to learn and ready for a challenge. Jesse personifies hard-work and a determination to exceed his own expectations EVERY SINGLE DAY. As soon as I would model a new strategy, he was ready to practice and try the next step.”

As teachers, we are often asked what brought us into this field or what we most so enjoy about teaching. For me, it is the daily opportunity to watch amazing kids, like Jesse, grow, challenge themselves and learn through exploration and trial/error. Jesse’s enthusiasm for learning, especially math, was incredibly contagious to all who surrounded him. His excitement constantly encouraged me to push my abilities as a teacher to the next level—to broaden my horizon of teaching strategies and provide new learning challenges. Jesse was a blast to teach and I was always excited to see what new things Jesse was wanting to learn or challenge himself in.

His academic drive, character and positive attitude are no doubt the reasons why he performed exceptionally on the math Florida Standards Assessment. I am so very proud of his success and the young man he is becoming each day!”

Congratulations, Jesse and to all students who earned a perfect score on the FSA!


Teachers - (Changed 8/2/2022 8:25:07 AM)