Northport K-8 School is pleased to present our 2016 Annual Science and Engineering Fair award recipients. Our students competed in numerous fields of science. All awarded scientists based their experimental research on trying to answer and solve real world problems. They showed creativity in scientific thinking and a desire to help mankind by providing solutions to real issues. First, second, and third place awards were given in each category of science.
First place recipients are: Addison Searcy, rosette Garcia, Dana Barcomb, Alicia Morrow, Alexis Bowes, Joseph Jackson, Jaden Rosenberg, Chastine Maharaj, Riley Orr, Taygen Pannella, Estefany Medina, Matthew Pinto and Evence Eliassaint.
Second place recipients are: Jennifer Lugo, Melanie Giachetti, Nixon Adea-Swanston, Dallas Persick, Tristan Castiglia, Jared Lowrie and Illah Sasso.
Third place recipients are: Sierra Molinary, Sasha Levine, Trevor Walk, Brandon Quijada, Kristopher Taylor, Haley Hensley, Justin Forbes and Aaliyah Gutmann.
Wonderful job to Dr. Laura Woodworth, Northport Science Fair Coordinator, participating students and parents. Thank you is not adequate! WONDERFUL JOB!