Mariposa Elementary VPK Learns About Butterflies and Insects

Mrs. Bonilla’s VPK students at Mariposa Elementary have begun their second week of insect learning. They learned about characteristics, identifying different types, what makes them special, and insect body parts. The students used an Insect Checklist to help them learn these skills. Each day the students focused on one insect and used visuals and technology to further their learning. The students also listened to insect stories during storytime. They wrote sentences that described each insect while practicing correct sentence structure.

They continued their learning by sorting insects, practicing writing skills using dry erase boards, and visiting the school Butterfly Garden to see caterpillars in action. In the classroom, the students had the privilege to observe caterpillars turn into chrysalis and then into butterflies. The class will release them once they are ready.




Teachers - (Changed 8/2/2022 8:25:07 AM)