Jaguars State Drill Meet

The Port Saint Lucie High School Jaguar Battalion traveled to Lakeland, FL to compete in the Florida State Final Drill Competition on April 16th.  Out of the 396 Army JROTC programs in the state of FL 108 schools qualified to compete at the state finals.

The Jaguars competed in the following events: Female Color Guard, commanded by Cadet Major Jamie Triplett; Female Platoon Unarmed Regulation, commanded by Cadet Major Catherine Zukowski; Female Squad Armed Regulation, commanded by Cadet Second Lieutenant Syanna Graham; and Female Squad Armed Exhibition, commanded by Cadet Staff Sergeant Kaycee Rhodes.

Male/Mixed Squad Unarmed Regulation, commanded by Cadet Command Sergeant Major Adan Pagan; Male/Mixed Squad Armed Regulation, commanded by Cadet Sergeant Major Travis Cetin; Male/Mixed Platoon Unarmed Regulation, commanded by Cadet Major Julian Taft; and Male/Mixed Squad Armed Exhibition, commanded by Cadet Captain Zachery St. John.

The Jaguars are still waiting to hear the results from the competition.  The final scores will be sent out during the week of April 18th.

Congratulations to all of the cadets who competed and to all the cadets who commanded.