The Fort Pierce Central JROTC Cobra Battalion recently enjoyed a Family Night, when parents and cadets come together and parents get the opportunity to see their children receive awards for his or her endeavors. Awards were given for Community Service, Leadership Education and Training (LET) Level attained, Student Government, Varsity and JV Sports, Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll, JROTC Summer Camp and more. In addition to awards, LET level 1 Cadets who participated in this year’s first Promotion Board were promoted based on scores received by their class leaders. Of all the LET level 1 cadets, 14 Cadets were promoted to Private, 40 Private First Class, and 19 to Corporal. Pictured is LTC (R) Al Nevarez and 1SG (R) Randall presenting the awards to the cadets.
This Article was written by the FPC Battalion Public Affairs Officer, Cadet Captain Gene Moore Jr.