Olga Drucker, a Holocaust Kindertransport child (http://www.kindertransport.org/), visited with Ilyssa Greene’s sixth grade language arts students. Mrs. Drucker read excerpts from Kindertransport (http://us.macmillan.com/kindertransport/OlgaDrucker), her autobiography, which is a children’s book that covers her six years in England and reunion with her parents in 1945. She spoke with students about the impact separation and reunification had on her and her family. She also impressed upon students the importance of never allowing another Holocaust to become part of their history. Kindertransport rescued thousands of German and European Jews by sending Jewish children to live abroad with families who were often not Jewish. Seated, from left, Asmaa Kacen, Olga Drucker and Jonhatan Zarate, and standing, from left, Delbert Brunson and Courtney Scott.