College Fair Results in Scholarships Worth Nearly 6 Million for St. Lucie High School Seniors
ST. LUCIE COUNTY – St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) seniors are still buzzing with excitement about the college opportunities that are open to them as a result of the recent Historically Black College/University (HBCU) and Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) College Fair. To date, students have been awarded scholarships worth nearly six million dollars to pursue their goals and dreams. One proud recipient, Treasure Coast Senior Aaliyah Brown, said, “I am so happy this amazing opportunity was provided to us. Where else could you go and have all of these resources and all of these schools willing to invest in us and our education?”
Secondary Program Coordinator Lynda Octavi and Assistant to the Superintendent Dr. Kevin Perry united 18 college and university advisor groups from Florida, North Carolina, Alabama, Georgia; the Coast Guard and Army National Guard; SLPS’s A Promise Is a Promise Team; Greek Fraternities and Sororities; and financial coaches from the Department of Education and Wells Fargo. Over 600 public school seniors attended the College Fair at Samuel S. Gaines Academy dressed for success and prepared with college entrance documentation to discuss program options and career goals. Three hundred forty-three college admittances were offered and, in many cases, on-the-spot scholarship awards were granted to candidates brightening futures and sparking dreams.
“Twenty-two of our talented seniors signed A Promise Is a Promise contracts at the Fair which means that once they have earned their credentials in education, they are guaranteed jobs as instructors in St. Lucie Public Schools,” explained SLPS Director of Recruitment and Retention Patricia Galloway.
With such a positive launch for SLPS, college and university recruiters have already made commitments to return to next year’s event which promises to be even more beneficial as a gateway opportunity for students.