As third graders began FSA testing, staff members wrote messages in chalk outside of the classrooms to encourage students to do their best. You’ve got this third grade!
Students in Mr. Glotzer’s 5th grade Math class located the origin and x-axis and y-axis on a life-size coordinate plane. Students were given an ordered pair to plot a given point on the first quadrant and then practiced finding the distance between two points.
Lakewood Park Elementary students, along with family members, completed grade-level math activities using Nearpod. Students received a family board game for participating. We can’t wait to have our next virtual event!!!!
Lakewood Park Elementary students are lucky to be able to participate in different resource classes. Students at Lakewood Park Elementary participate every week in drama class. In Ms. Gardner’s drama class, students do a variety of activities appropriate to their age level, including gameplay, acting out scenes, and improvising skits. Ms. Gardner integrates student knowledge and understanding of drama with the study of other academic subjects. Students at Lakewood Park Elementary participate every week in art class. Mrs. Pettit has designed this class to provide an opportunity for art students to explore the fundamentals of art and to work with a variety of traditional and new … Read More
Lakewood Park Elementary students conferenced with teachers to set goals for the Winter i-Ready Diagnostic. Students worked hard this week to be able to show learning gains in reading and math.
Students in Ms. Quintero’s second-grade class are using manipulatives to learn about shapes. Students are learning about the names of each shape based on the number of sides. The use of manipulatives helps students hone their mathematical thinking skills and helps students connect ideas and integrate their knowledge so that they gain a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.
Lakewood Park Elementary MySchool fourth-graders enjoyed a PBIS event using Microsoft OneNote and TEAMS. Ms. Beaumier keeps track of student and class behavior using Falcon Bank. Once the students have earned a certain amount of Falcon Bucks they get to choose what activity they want to do by voting with Microsoft Poll. Students choose to design and build a virtual Gingerbread house. #FalconPride #FalconKind #HeartOfThePark
Lakewood Park Elementary students and staff showcased vocabulary words in our Vocabulary Parade during Spirit Week. Students were able to create posters and/or costumes representing a word they learned during the first nine weeks. An abundance of creativity was on display as students shared their costumes on stage during lunchtime in the cafeteria. This was a fun opportunity for students to share new learning.
Lakewood Park Elementary virtual students are fully engaged during Writing Boot Camp. Fourth-grade students practiced writing an example of an introductory paragraph. The students introduced a topic clearly and grouped related information in the introduction paragraph. Students are using the Top Score Writing program. Mrs. Garcia shared a picture of the students using the program on Facebook and the school won an Amazon gift card for being a Top Score Writing Star User.
Fifth-grade students at Lakewood Park Elementary planned and carried out a scientific investigation by using observations, making predictions, and collecting and organizing data. Mr. Carr’s class created and attempted to float their own boats that were designed by going through the steps of the scientific process. This process helps students raise questions and investigate the natural world.