School Meals are an important part of the school day. Not only do school meals provide nourishment and socializing for students, studies show that students who participate in the school meals program are more focused on their studies, absent from school less often, and succeed academically. Child Nutrition Services is proud to be part of our students’ educational success by providing nourishing meals. We offer many scratch-made items on our menu. Some favorites are pasta with meat sauce made with fresh Florida ground beef from Miami Beef or oven-roasted chicken baked fresh in our kitchens. Every day we offer fresh … Read More
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) was started in 2002 as a pilot program through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in four states with the purpose of introducing school children to fresh fruits and vegetables. The FFVP was made a permanent grant program nationwide in 2008 and is funded through the Farm Bill. The goal of FFVP is to create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices; expand the variety of fruits and vegetables children experience; increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption; and make a difference in children’s diets to impact their present and future health. … Read More
September is Fruit and Veggies – More Matters Month. This is a national campaign to inform people how easy it is to get 5 – 7 servings of fruits and veggies in our daily diet. Fruits and vegetables contribute much needed vitamins, minerals, and fiber to the diet which helps reduce the incidence of chronic disease. For children ages 2-18, the recommended fruit and vegetable intake ranges from 1-2 cups of fruit and 1-3 cups of vegetables. Recommended intakes are based on age, sex and activity level. A report from CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly looked at fruit and vegetable … Read More
Peaches are a delicious summer treat. A native of China, peaches traveled to Persia before making their way to the Americas with the Spaniards in the 1700’s. Thomas Jefferson grew peaches at Monticello. It wasn’t until the 1900’s that commercial peach growing began in the United States. A member of the rose family, and classified as a stone fruit due to the large seed in the middle, peaches have a fuzzy skin, with either yellow or white flesh. Two varieties are available: Freestone (flesh separates from seed) or Clingstone (flesh sticks to seed). When we think of peaches we usually … Read More
Kids Eat Right Month focuses on the importance of healthy and active lifestyles for children and families. As the new school year starts, Child Nutrition Services wants to help families by providing balanced breakfast and lunch options for the students of St. Lucie Public Schools. The best way to start the day is with breakfast. Studies have shown students who eat a balanced breakfast tend to be more focused and learn better than students who skip breakfast. Child Nutrition Services offers breakfast with items that include whole grains, lean proteins, whole fruit, and low-fat milk options. Child Nutrition Services understands … Read More
Child Nutrition Services is proud to announce for the 2017-2018 school year we offered the students of St. Lucie Public Schools over 219,000 pounds of Florida grown produce, over 53,000 pounds of Florida beef, and over 6,400,000 half pints of milk on school serving lines as part of the Farm to School Program. As we begin the fifth year of the Farm to School Program we are increasing the amount of Florida grown produce to twenty items that of our original seven when the program started in 2015. Child Nutrition Services is excited to continue partnerships with our vendors ensuring … Read More
Child Nutrition Services was invited to Village Green Environmental Studies School by the Kindergarten class to assist in the harvesting and cleaning of radishes grown by the students in the school garden. After the harvest, the students participated in a kitchen tour given by Ms. Deanna Kinder, cafeteria manager, including a stop by the freezer! Ms. Dawn Davila showed students how to wash and trim the radishes and explained how the roots bring nutrients to the plant to help it grow into the food we eat. After the harvest and kitchen tour, students enjoyed a farm to school salad which … Read More