Save The Chimps Visits Gaines Academy

Save The Chimps is a chimpanzee sanctuary located in Fort Pierce, Florida. At Save the Chimps there was need for enrichment activities to keep the chimps stimulated. In Ms. Schutt’s 21st CLCC class students piloted the Save The Chimps to learn about the chimpanzees. “Save the Chimps” project was offered to 3rd and 4th grade students at Samuel Gaines Academy in order to improve math, reading, writing and science skills. The after school program consists of project based learning incorporating academics and extracurricular/ personal enrichment activities. Students created chimpanatas as enrichment activities to help the chimps celebrate “Chimpo De Mayo.”

Florida Fish and Wildlife Visit Gaines Academy Second Graders

Florida Fish and Wildlife (FWC) gave a presentation for second grade at Samuel Gaines Academy. Students learned about what these officers do, how they help the community, and how laws and consequences are carried out. Students were able to see a demonstration with the K-9, as well as, a close look at the trucks and boats FWC uses.

Gaines Academy Teachers Attend FRA Conference

Samuel Gaines primary teachers presented at the Florida Reading Association Conference on Oct. 17. Mission Possible: Helping Younger Readers Access Complex Text was well received by the audience of primary teachers from across the state. Participants learned about text complexity, interactive notebooks and close reading strategies during this engaging session. Pictured from Left to Right: Tina Eaker, Jennifer McCluskey, Kimberly Mallard and Lenaiah Wood

Million Father March at Gaines Academy

Samuel Gaines Academy K-8 celebrated fatherhood and the impact they have on their child’s education. This event was a huge success led by Robert Plowden and Duane Turner. SGA thanks Denise Sirmons Kid at Hope advocate, Avid Team, Project Success, Parent Academy, and the PTO. Kudos to our media specialist and clerk for taking pictures of our 50 participants. SGA faculty and staff prepared a wonderful breakfast for fathers. The fathers pledged to be active participants in their student’s lives. This event truly show’s that our fathers believe in Gains at Gaines.

Pennies for Pasta at Gaines Academy

Students at Gaines Academy generously donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Pennies for Pasta campaign. We surpassed our school goal of $2,000 with a grand total of $2,700 being donated to help local blood cancer patients with their treatments and hopefully find a cure. Ms. Lenaiah Wood’s second grade class collected the most donations and were treated to a delicious luncheon by Olive Garden. Pictured enjoying their pasta are David Hernandez (L) and Pierre Jerome (R).

Snow Cones Served at Gaines Academy

Samuel Gaines Academy students in grades 3-8 enjoyed being served delicious, icy snow cones by our parents and volunteers.  How did they earn them?  Students attended all the days of FCAT testing without having to take any make-up exams.  We aren’t sure if it was the snow cones that motivated them or their excitement to show all the learning they acquired this year, but a whopping 99% of students took the test without having to take ANY of the exams on make-up days…that’s a lot of snow cones!

Cinco de Mayo at Gaines Academy

Cinco de Mayo is not going unnoticed here at Samuel Gaines Academy. Students in Mr. Plowden’s 8th grade History spent some time researching different Hispanic leaders who has made significant contributions to their culture by creating Thinking Maps, taking Cornell notes, and using technology resources.  This is a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage and is warmly embraced at Gaines Academy.

Gaines Academy 5th Grade Flag Leadership

The 5th GRADE FLAG LEADERSHIP INIATIVE was started based on the administration’s vision to create a system in which a daily ceremony occurs of raising and lowering the American and FL State flag daily. Identifying 5th grade as the chosen grade for this initative would build leadership capacity with our older elementary age students. Students were taught the proper procedures for folding and caring for the flags. We are very thankful to have our very own Veteran Mr. Jeffrey Johnson, teacher at SGA teach our 5th grade student leaders important facts about our American flag.  5th grade teachers chose the … Read More

Samuel Gaines Academy’s National Junior Honor Society Inducts 58 Middle School Students

Faculty and Staff of Sam Gaines Academy are proud to announce that  58 middle school students met eligibility qualifications for the National Junior Honor Society.   These students have maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, exemplary conduct, manners and behavior as well as leadership qualities.  Dr. Donna Mills challenged and encouraged the students as the guest speaker at the Induction Ceremony this past March 20th.   We are proud of our 58 colts in our middle school National Junior Honor Society, and we are excited for what the future holds for each one.

Florida Department of Citrus Visits Gaines Academy

Captain Citrus, a program from the Florida Department of Citrus, came to Samuel Gaines Academy to speak with our second graders about Florida citrus.  The second graders were highly engaged, throughout the interactive and energizing presentation.  They learned more about how citrus trees grow, as well as, the nutritional benefits of Florida’s citrus fruits and juices.  Their new knowledge was treated with the opportunity to sample oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and orange juice at the end of the presentation.

Gaines Academy students participate in local Special Olympics event

Students in Karen Madalena’s class at Samuel Gaines Academy participated in the recent St. Lucie County Special Olympics Track and Field event at Lawnwood Stadium. This event is part of the new Young Atheletes Program (YAP) that helps children with disabilities develop motor, social, and cognitive skills as well as giving the students the opportunity to learn and have fun! Pictured is Ezekiel Simmens jumping the hurdles as he completes the obstacle course.

Families enjoy Winter Games at Gaines Academy

The staff and faculty at Samuel Gaines Academy recently sponsored a Winter Games family event.  At least 200 families — over 400 people — attended.  The opening ceremonies included teachers with their students in a “parade of colleges.” Grade level teams promoted colleges with banners as students proudly waved college flags. The family games, teacher challenges and closing ceremony that followed engaged students and families of all ages throughout the evening. In addition, parents were appreciative of the take home materials and supplies to use with their children. Pictured, from left, are fifth grade teacher Saphir St. Louis, AVID teacher Kristen … Read More

Gaines Academy scout troop ready to serve the community

Students and staff at Samuel S. Gaines Academy are very proud of the newly formed Girl Scout Troop #40729. The young ladies who participate in troop acitivies learn about their special talents and how to be leaders in their community. The new troop is comprised of second through fifth graders who are Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts. Pictured are troop members with their sashes, who are ready to serve their community with a smile.

Mentoring program at Gaines Academy helps students develop leadership and life skills

The students and staff at Samuel S. Gaines Academy are very appreciative to the mentors from the Calvary Compassion Church, who act as mentors for students in the Butterfly Tea mentoring group. Mentors assist student mentees with leadership strengths, and build on improving challenges, and expose mentees to best-practice in leadership and life skills. Pictured are members of the group with mentors.

Honorees from Gaines Academy join in parade

Staff and faculty from Samuel S. Gaines Academy participated in the recent Grand Parade to celebrate the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day festivities. Representing the school, from left, are district employee award nominees, Teacher of the Year nominee Christen McCray, Distinguished Minority Educator nominee Robert Plowden, and and School Related Employee of the Year nominee Cequila Terry.

County commissioner talks to Gaines Academy students about importance of education

St. Lucie County Commissioner Kim Johnson helped kick off the Samuel S. Gaines Academy K8 School annual 100 Book Challenge recently. Johnson spoke to the middle school students about the importance of reading and its connection to one’s future success in life. Johnson is pictured, center, with Assistant Principal Mallissa Hamilton, left, and Principal Tracy Wilke.

Liberian delegation visits Gaines Academy

Delegates from the African nation of Liberia visited Samuel S. Gaines Academy recently. The school visit was part of an extended tour of St. Lucie County by the developing nation’s leaders in an effort to find successful governmental infrastructure to emulate in their country. Eighth grade AVID students provided an informative tour of the campus. The visitors were interested in the school’s facility, programs and resources available. Pictured are members of the delegation with Principal Tracie Wilke and other Gaines Academy staff.

Gaines Academy students learn about electricity

Students in Catie Smith’s science resource class at Samuel S. Gaines Academy have been exploring energy while learning about conductivity and electricity! Students learned content with the use of interactive notebooks, and then explored energy through this inquiry lab. Pictured, from left, are Shawn Vega, Grayvon Compere, Shanell Sullivan, and Keishon Polycarpe.