$40,000 Farm to School Award

ST. LUCIE COUNTY – A $40,000 boost in funding is awarded by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to St. Lucie Public Schools (SLPS) Child Nutrition Services. This is part of the Florida Farm to School Award Program Grant according to Director of Child Nutrition Services Deborah Wuest. “We are so excited to receive this funding. It provides the opportunity to bring nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables directly in from our local producers and so much more,” said Wuest.


The Farm to School Program is a nationwide in scope, and it supports connections with students, communities, and local producers.  Educational programs including nutrition, how food is grown, and where it comes from is one valuable aspect of the grant.  Another benefit is the opportunity to enhance the local market by introducing locally produced fruits and vegetables into the schools’ purchasing network.


“It is a win-win,” said Wuest.  “Our students have access to fresh foods grown locally, and our own farmers and harvesters have the opportunity to network with our local schools.”  The Florida Farm to School Award Program must be applied for each year


About St. Lucie Public Schools

St. Lucie Public Schools is a B-rated District with no failing schools proudly serving the students as the second highest rated School District on the Treasure Coast.  The mission of SLPS is to ensure all students graduate from safe and caring schools equipped with the knowledge, skills and desire to succeed. For more information, visit, http://www.stlucieschools.org.


Author: Lydia Martin

Staff - (Changed 3/18/2024 10:57:15 PM)