Forest Grove visits FKS 5th grade to share information about Marine Oceanographic Academy (MOA). Collaboration at its finest?!
Forest Grove visits FKS 5th grade to share information about Marine Oceanographic Academy (MOA). Collaboration at its finest?!
The 2021 Ready to Work Boot Camp Informational session hosted by Jill Marasa with the Economic Development Council of St. Lucie and St. Lucie Public School’s Career and Technical Education department was a virtual event. This session included interested graduating high school seniors within St. Lucie Public Schools desiring employment immediately upon graduation in manufacturing and engineering industry sectors.
Before Spring Break, students and staff at CAST participated in a colorful spirit week. Each day, a different color of the rainbow was selected to spread cheer.
Third grade students in Mrs. Roti’s class were excited to bring the Mars rover landing to life! While learning about Earth in space and time, students began by watching clips of how the Mars rover was built to sustain space travel. Students teamed up as scientists to design and build their own Mars rovers out of Legos.
Northport students have been selecting new books of their choice in the media center recently. The school has hundreds of new books to offer. The books are intriguing for all types of readers. Student choice is one of the surest ways to assist children in literacy development. Students have also been listening to the story, “Puff the Magic Dragon” this week and learned the song together. The students went ” live” on the Northport Facebook page for their parents to join in the singing. It has been so much fun and a great week filled with activity.
During Stop and STEAM week, Ms. Denman’s fourth grade class studied the effects of tourism on the Florida Economy. Students were tasked with creating their very own travel brochures as they learned about the types of attractions that help Florida’s Economy. From the East Coast Railroad founded by Henry Flagler, to the latest Club Med Resort, students created brochures on a number of wonderful and unique Florida destinations. Students illustrated their brochures, created event and show schedules, and even brought in samples from their attraction.
Northport gives a big shout out and THANK YOU to Priscilla Hall. Priscilla is a volunteer and friend to Northport. Priscilla’s grandchildren attended Northport. Recently, Priscilla dropped by the school to donate hundreds of pairs of plastic gloves to Sonja Simmons, the school nurse. Thanks again for your generosity ? !
Ms. Edwards’ eighth graders in her US History class, learned about the Medal of Honor. Students worked in groups to learn about the Six Core Values of the Medal of Honor and how they are used in everyday life. Students then broke off into pairs, to create mini-skits and scenarios where one of the six core values are used in school. MySchool and in-person kindergarteners and first graders at CAST learned about the Medal of Honor and discussed all the ways we can be a good citizen at school and at home. Students read a variety of literature stories and … Read More
The Treasure Coast Food Bank along with Fort Pierce Central High School, Lincoln Park Academy, Fairlawn Elementary, and Centennial High School participated in this year’s annual Empty Bowls event. Students and Art teachers from across this district participated in creating soup bowls to address the growing issue of food insecurity in our community. This year’s Empty Bowls looked very different. Instead of the usual event at the Ft. Pierce Farmers Market, this year’s sales were online. We raised a total of $12,819.00. This amount includes the online sales and the virtual silent auction. Many people made a direct donation, … Read More
CAST students in grades 3-8 hosted a spectacular Flash Mob in the courtyard for many to enjoy. The band, art, music, instrumental, dance, and media arts students collaborated to showcase their creativity. Congratulations on an amazing show!
Mary Murphy from CareerSource Research Coast in conjunction with Career & Technical Education department hosted a career exploration session for medical academy seniors. This session was to follow-up to the EDC’s Virtual Healthcare Tour for guidance counselors and teachers that occurred in Fall 2020. Participating students learned about available resources and employment opportunities within our county and on the Treasure Coast.
Cleveland Clinic Tradition Hospital (Brenda Byk and Stacey Rhodewalt) in collaboration with SLPS’ Career & Technical Education (CTE) Department hosted a virtual employment informational session for our medical students. This session provided entry-level employment information for our graduating seniors and steps to turn their career and educational goals into reality!
Brittany Shoun, Fort Pierce Westwood Veterinary Assisting Instructor is very proud to announce that the FFA Vet Assisting Team placed THIRD in the State on the FFA Veterinary Science Career Development Event! The Team won first place in the pre-lim to secure a spot at the State contest and will be recognized at the State Convention for their 3rd in State WIN! Congratulations Allison Kohler, Jayden Weil, Zoey Thomaselli, Mia Wheeler, and Ms. Shoun ! Go Panthers! Level Up CTE!
Frances K. Sweet Magnet School is proud to recognize the First Grade Students in Ms. Pamela Parent’s Virtual Class! Out of 736 classrooms across the nation, Ms. Parent’s First Graders were ranked 15th in math skills–Wow! What an accomplishment. Keep up the great work shining stars!
St. Lucie Public Schools has five pre-apprenticeship programs preparing students for careers. The pre-apprenticeship Career and Technical Education (CTE) high school programs are located across the District: Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering at Treasure Coast High Building Construction Technologies at Port St Lucie High Outboard Marine Service Technology at St Lucie West Centennial High Pharmacy Technician at Fort Pierce Westwood Academy – The W.E.S.T. Prep Magnet Technical Design at Port St Lucie High The pre-apprenticeships offered in CTE at St. Lucie Public Schools lead into registered apprenticeship trades of Carpenter, Industrial Manufacturing Technician, Truss Design Technician, Pharmacy Technician, and Yacht Service Technician.
CAST’s Culture Crew wanted to show the teachers, staff and students at our amazing school just how lucky we are to have them! We had a rainbow-filled spirit week which ended in a snack cart delivering special snacks before spring break!
Northport children and parents are just so lucky to have two awesome crossing guards posted at the main entrance to the school. One afternoon Cheri Portinga and Mr. Santa gave out special SMILE notes with messages to all walkers and biker riders heading east. Mr. Santa always charms the students at the holidays. ? Many thanks to all of our Northport crossing and traffic guards.
Southport Middle School 2020-2021 Literacy and Art teachers worked together to spread kindness to some very special members of our community. Thanks to Mrs. Herman, Ms. Caissy, Mrs. Richards and the literacy teachers, and the entire Bobcat team who created cards for the folks in nursing home facilities who have been unable to see their families through the pandemic. In addition, Mrs. Robinson turned her PBS craft reward time into giving to others, while having kids paint Florida scenes to give to those in the nursing home facilities for their rooms. Thanks to all the special Southport teachers for … Read More
“You are appreciated & thank you for making a difference” was the theme at Oak Hammock K-8. The Administration showed their appreciation for their Osprey Staff by surprising them with a breakfast treat before Spring Break. Ms. Galloway thanked everyone for hanging in to the end and for giving their all. A special thank you to our sponsors, Dixie Cream Donuts “melt in your mouth” and Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company.