Floresta Elementary School science resource teacher Mollie Mukhamedov has been recognized by the Executive Director of the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project Board of Directors and staff for her outstanding energy education project. Additionally, Floresta Elementary School was selected Florida Elementary School of the Year and also elementary finalist at the national level. Mrs. Mukhamedov and her students are invited to attend the NEED National Recognition Ceremonies scheduled for June 22-25, 2012 in Washington, D.C. Congratulations to Mrs. Mukhamedov and all students and staff who have worked together to make this project worthy of state and national recognition. Pictured, from left, are Christopher Rahuba, Brittany Kanhai, Mackenzie Waltz, Rachel Thomas, Zoya Mukhamedov, and Ericka St. Louis.
Floresta Elementary energy program earns Florida elementary school of the year recognition