Floresta Elementary hosts family learning night

Floresta Elementary recently hosted a Family Learning Night, “100 Book Challenge Evening.” The school’s literacy council worked together to plan this very worthwhile family event. Several teachers performed in a skit, modeling the importance of 100 Book Challenge, highlighting how fun and easy it is to incorporate this routine into one’s daily schedule. Each grade group of teachers created a booth promoting the love of reading, through providing useful facts about reading, and engaging students and families in interactive activities connecting reading, writing, and drawing. Third grade teachers designed a beach theme for their booth, complete with buckets, shovels, blankets, and lawn chairs. Children happily lay on a beach blanket, or lounged in a lawn chair, enjoying selections about the beach, and the ocean. They also made available, publications of interest to families about the latest research on reading. The fourth grade team provided an interactive read along of A Bad Case of Stripes and then provided colored paper, pencils, and crayons so children could draw their own favorite vegetable and illustrate themselves with their own “bad case,” just like the main character. Fifth grade teachers facilitated a “Musical Book Walk.” Students walked in a circle and when the music stopped, children who happened to be standing on prize markers were able to select a book from the many titles available at the prize table. Throughout the evening’s activities, families were able to visit the Book Fair in the school’s media center, to browse the many book selections offered for sale. Food and drinks were provided by our very active PTO. This was a wonderful opportunity for families to share an evening together experiencing a wide variety of activities associated with reading. Pictured is second grade student Ashley Birmingham, selecting her prize for winning the “Musical Book Walk” with principal Deborah Iseman.