SGA Speakers Bureau

The Speakers Bureau Special Guest Speakers at Samuel S. Gaines Academy K-8 this month were Mr. E. Wayne Gent, Superintendent of St. Lucie Public Schools, and Mr. Lafayette Ashley, Graduating Senior of Ft. Pierce Central High School Class of 2016.

Mr. Gent captured the attention of the students as he told them how he chose to never give up on his dream of becoming a superintendent of schools. Mr. Ashley inspired the students by sharing some of his personal challenges and expressed to the them that if you want something bad enough, you will work hard to get it. Mr. Ashley will be attending Warner University in the fall on a full ride scholarship.

SGA Speakers Bureau 4-27-16 SGA Speakers Bureau B 4-27-16

Author: Lydia Martin

Staff - (Changed 3/18/2024 10:57:15 PM)